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Entries by awp-admin
Dr. Mitchell Receives Promotion to Research Scientist
FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Mary Mitchell has been promoted from an Assistant Research Scientist to a Research Scientist, effective January, 2019. Dr. Mitchell joined FRI in September 2017. Since that time, she has contributed to a number of studies conducted at FRI while pursuing her own research. She will be serving as […]
Dr. Jan Gryczynski Receives R01 Award
FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Jan Gryczynski, along with Co-Investigators Drs. Robert Schwartz, Shannon Mitchell, and Kathleen Page have received a grant award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, entitled Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Linkage at STD Clinics using Buprenorphine (OUTLAST-B). Untreated opioid use disorder (OUD) is a continuing public health emergency […]
Dr. Thomas Blue Awarded Second Junior Investigator Scholarship
Dr. Thomas Blue has been awarded a Junior Investigator scholarship by the Academic Consortium on Criminal Justice Health to attend their conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada in March of 2019. The award will provide support for travel expenses and cover the costs of registration and lodging. Dr. Blue is planning to present preliminary findings […]
Dr. Kimberly Kisler Receives First HRSA Award
FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Kimberly Kisler, along with Co-Investigator Dr. Cathy J. Reback, have received a three-year grant from Health Resources and Services Administrations’ Special Projects of National Significance entitled, “Adaptation of an Evidence-informed Behavioral Health Intervention to Improve Health Outcomes among Black Men who have Sex with Men (BMSM) Living with […]
Dr. Monico Receives Promotion to Research Scientist
FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Laura Monico has been promoted from an Assistant Research Scientist to a Research Scientist, effective September 1, 2018. Since joining FRI in 2014, Dr. Monico has primarily worked on three NIDA-funded studies that investigate various dimensions of pharmacotherapy and has authored publications from several more. Over the past […]
Dr. Cathy Reback Receives R01 Award
FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Cathy Reback, along with Co-Investigators Drs. Jesse Fletcher, also from FRI, and Adam Carrico from University of Miami, have received a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse entitled, “Getting Off: A Theory-based mHealth Intervention for Methamphetamine-using Men who Have Sex with Men (MSM).” The Phase II […]
New Adult Substance Use Screening Tool Available
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has made available a new tool designed to screen adult primary care patients for substance misuse and substance use disorder. Dr. Robert Schwartz served as Lead Investigator of a NIDA Clinical Trials Network study of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medication, and other Substance use (TAPS) Tool. The TAPS […]
Dr. Jan Gryczynski Receives Award
FRI is proud to announce that Dr. Jan Gryczynski received the Most Reviewed Articles award from the Journal of Addiction Medicine for peer reviewing six papers for the Journal in 2017. Click here to see article.
Dr. Robert Schwartz Chaired SAMHSA TIP 63
Dr. Robert Schwartz chaired the development of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) recently released Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 63 entitled Medications for Opioid Use Disorder. The resources in this publication can help healthcare and addiction treatment providers, policymakers, patients, and families address the opioid crisis. This up-to-date publication provides: an introduction […]
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