Dr. Mishka Terplan Awarded FORE Grant
Dr. Misha Terplan, FRI Medical Director, in collaboration with Dr. Sarah Roberts (UCSF) were recently awarded a grant from the Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) to address stigma through professional education and training. Entitled “Doing Right at Birth: Reducing stigma and improving recovery through professional education around child welfare reporting,” the project goal is to make interactions between birthing people with opioid use disorder (OUD) and both healthcare providers and the child welfare system (CWS) more ethically sound, respectful, grounded in evidence, and within but not exceeding legal requirements, and thereby reduce stigma and discrimination and improve treatment engagement and recovery postpartum and beyond. The project will be convening experts in health, policy, law, and advocacy, including people affected by the CWS, to: 1) develop and disseminate trainings (webinars, a self-paced video course, toolkit) on CWS reporting and consequences for birthing people with OUD, and 2) create a cadre of provider champions to bring about reporting policy changes.