Steven B. Carswell, Ph.D.

Steven B. Carswell, Ph.D.
Steven B. Carswell, Ph.D.
President/Senior Research Scientist

Ph.D., Sociology – Stratification and Social Inequality, American University
Phone: 410-837-3977 ext. 252
Fax: 410-752-4218
Research Interests

Dr. Carswell’s research focuses on the relationship between individual, social, and community risk and protective factors and the incidence and prevalence of youth and adult involvement in health-compromising behaviors. He has experience developing and evaluating preventive interventions aimed at preventing and/or reducing youth and adult involvement in delinquent and criminal activities, illicit substance use, and risky sexual behaviors. He conducts grant reviews for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and manuscript reviews for prominent journals. Currently, Dr. Carswell’s work is focused on the development, implementation, and evaluation of technology-based interventions designed to promote human health and reduce health disparities in disadvantaged populations.

In his position as President of FRI, and in collaboration with the Chief Operating Officer and the Medical Director, he is jointly responsible for the oversight and management of FRI and the development of short and long-term strategic plans, policies, and procedures to improve FRI’s research, clinical, and grants management infrastructure. In addition, Dr. Carswell is responsible for determining if financial conflicts of interest exist related to NIH-funded research studies and leading and monitoring FRI’s diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Moreover, as Managing Partner of COG Analytics (COG), a research and technology company formed in partnership with FRI, Dr. Carswell is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the small business.  COG Analytics  specializes in the development of research, clinical, and consumer-based technology products designed to improve public health and reduce health disparities.

Selected Publications
Carswell, S.B., Alexander, K., Gryczynski, J., Knowlton, A.R., Abatemarco, D.J., Horodyski, A.M., & Mitchell, M.M. (in press). Mindfulness-based mobile application for African American caregivers. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.
Carswell, S.B., Alexander K., Gryczynski, J., Knowlton, A.R., Abatemarco, D.J., Horodyski, A., Mitchell, M.M. (2023). Mindfulness-Base Stress Reduction Application for African American Caregivers. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science .
Carswell, S.B., Gordon, M.S., Gryczynski, J., Horodyski, A.M., Ferguson, K.N., Maher, K.M., & Vocci, F.J. (2023). The daily progress system – a recovery support tool to improve engagement and retention in outpatient substance use treatment. Journal of Substance Use, 1-6.DOI: 10.1080/14659891.2023.2261036.
Gryczynski, J., Sanchez, K., Carswell, S.B., & Schwartz, R. P. (2023). The Spanish language version of the TAPS tool: protocol for a validation and implementation study in primary care. Addict Sci Clin Pract, 18 (1), 69.
Carswell, S.B., Gordon MS, Gryczynski J, Taxman FS, Schadegg M, Ferguson KN & Maher K (2022). Continuing care application for probationers and parolees with substance use disorders. Journal of Drug Education, 51 (1-2), 32-48, DOI 10.1177/00472379221111.
Gryczynski J, Sanchez K, Carswell, S.B. & Schwartz RP (2022). Development, feasibility, and preliminary validation of a Spanish language version of the TAPS Tool for substance use screening in primary care. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 17(S1), 33.
Sanchez K, Gryczynski J, Carswell, S.B., Schwartz RP (2021). Development and feasibility of a Spanish language version of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Drug, and Illicit Substance Use (TAPS) Tool. Journal of Addiction Medicine 15(1),61–67.
Carswell, S.B., Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, Lertch E (2020). Computerizing NIAAA’s best practices for youth screening and brief intervention: A proof-of-concept pilot study of an automated alcohol screening and intervention resource tool. Journal of Drug Education 49(1-2), 3–14.
Mitchell MM, Mendelson J, Gryczynski J, Carswell, S.B., Schwartz RP (2020). A novel telehealth platform for alcohol use disorder treatment: Preliminary evidence of reductions in drinking. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 46(3), 297–303.
Carswell, S.B., Gordon MS, Gryczynski J, and Tangires S (2018). The daily progress system: A proof of concept pilot study of a recovery support technology tool for outpatient substance abuse treatment The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Published online: 30 May 2018.
Gordon MS, Crable EL, Carswell, S.B., Leopold J, Hodo-Powell J, McKenzie M, and Rich JD (2018). A randomized controlled trial of intensive case management (Project Bridge) for HIV-infected probationers and parolees AIDS and Behavior 22(3):1030-1038. doi: 10.1007/s10461-017-2016-y. PMID: 29273946.
Gryczynski J, Carswell, S.B., O’Grady KE, Mitchell SG, Schwartz RP (2018). Gender and ethnic differences in primary care patients’ response to computerized vs. in-person brief intervention for illicit drug misuse. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 84:50-56. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2017.10.009. Epub 2017 Nov 7. PMID: 29195593.
Gordon MS, Carswell, S.B., Peters EN, Tangires S, Kinlock TW, Vocci FJ, and Restivo L (2017). Avatar assisted therapy: A novel technology-based Intervention to treat substance use disorders In Pam Lassiter (ed.), Annual Review of Addictions and Offender Counseling: Best Practices III (p 97 - 114). Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers.
Gordon MS, Carswell, S.B., Schadegg M, Mangen K, Merkel K, Tangires S, Vocci FJ (2017). Avatar-assisted therapy: a proof-of-concept pilot study of a novel technology-based intervention to treat substance use disorders American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 43(5):518-524. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2017.1280816.
Gordon MS, Carswell, S.B., Wilson M, Kinlock TW, Restivo LL, McKenzie M, Rich JD, (2016). Factors Associated With Receiving Rapid HIV Testing Among Individuals on Probation or Parole Journal of Correctional Health Care 22(4):290-299. PMID: 27742854.
Carswell, S.B., Hanlon TE, O’Grady KE, Watts AM (2014). Correlates of risky sexual activity for urban African American youth in an alternative education program Education and Urban Society 46(4), 434-449. doi:10.1177/0013124512458119.
Carswell, S.B., Hanlon TE, Watts A, O’Grady KE (2014). Prevention-related research targeting African American alternative education program students.  Education and Treatment of Children 46(4), 434-449. doi:10.1177/0013124512458119.
Carswell, S.B., Hanlon TE, O’Grady KE, Watts A, Pothhong P (2009). A preventive intervention program for urban African American youth attending an alternative education program: Background, implementation, and feasibility.  Education and Treatment of Children
Hanlon TE, Simon BD, O’Grady KE, Carswell, S.B., Callaman JM (2009). The effectiveness of an after-school program targeting urban African American youth.  Education and Urban Society
Carswell, S.B. (2007). Delinquency Among African American Youth: Parental Attachment, Socioeconomic Status, and Peer Relationships New York: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC
Carswell, S.B., and Carswell MA (2007). Meeting the physical, psychological, and social needs of African Americans following a disaster. In A. Marsella, J. Johnson, P. Watson, & J. Gryczynski (Eds.) Ethnocultural Perspectives on Disaster and: Foundations, Issues, and Applications (pp. 39-71). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.
Hanlon TE, Carswell, S.B., and Rose M (2007). Research on the caretaking of children of incarcerated parents: Findings and their service delivery implications Children and Youth Services Review 29, 348-362. [PMCID: PMC2031863].
Hanlon TE, Bateman RW, O’Grady KE, Simon BD, and Carswell, S.B. (2004). Antecedents and correlates of deviant activity in urban youth manifesting behavioral problems Journal of Primary Prevention 24, 285-310.
Battjes RJ, Carswell, S.B. (2002). Federal drug abuse treatment research priorities. In C. Leukefeld, F. Tims, & D. Farabee (Eds.) Clinical and policy responses to drug offenders (pp. 348-361). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Hanlon TE, Bateman RW, Simon BD, O’Grady KE, and Carswell, S.B. (2002). An early community-based intervention for the prevention of substance abuse and other delinquent behavior Journal of Youth and Adolescence 31, 459-471.