Hon. Robert G. Rassp, Board Chair
Presiding Administrative Law Judge
Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board Los Angeles, CA
J.D., Loyola University Law School in Los Angeles
Phone: 410-837-3977
Fax: 410-752-4218
The Honorable Robert G. Rassp is a graduate of Loyola Law School class of 1981. He previously earned two undergraduate degrees from the University of California at Irvine in 1978 at age 20.
While practicing law as an attorney, Judge Rassp handled workers’ compensation and Social Security disability cases since 1981 and was the principal of his own law firm from 1983 until April 15, 2018. On April 16, 2018, Judge Rassp was appointed as a workers’ compensation administrative law judge and assigned to the Los Angeles WCAB District office. In 2017, Judge Rassp was appointed as an adjunct professor of law at Pepperdine University School of Law in Malibu, California teaching workers’ compensation law as an upper division class.
In addition to his law practice, Judge Rassp was the Chair of Friends Research Institute’s West Coast Institutional Review Board for fifteen years. In September, 2005, Judge Rassp was appointed as a member of the Friends Research Institute’s Board of Directors and in October 2008, Judge Rassp was named Chair of the Board of Directors for FRI, effective January 1, 2009.
In addition to his duties as an attorney and medical ethicist, Judge Rassp was appointed as a member of the State Bar Workers’ Compensation Law Section Executive Committee in April 1998 and became its Chair in 2000–2001. Judge Rassp was reappointed as a member of the Workers’ Compensation Law Section Executive Committee in May 2003 and is currently an advisor to the Committee.
Judge Rassp is the author of The Lawyer’s Guide To The AMA Guides and California Workers’ Compensation (LexisNexis® Matthew Bender) which is a widely used medical-legal treatise and updated every year since its first edition in 2006. In addition, Judge Rassp was a contributing author to The Complete Guide to Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance (LexisNexis). He is the editor-in-chief of the two-volume treatise, Rassp & Herlick, California Workers’ Compensation Law, Seventh Edition (LexisNexis) that was completely revised and updated in 2014, and annually thereafter.
Judge Rassp is a member of the LexisNexis® Calif. Workers’ Compensation Editorial Board and is a member of the sub-committee for WCAB Noteworthy Panel Decisions. He is also a member of the Larson’s National Workers’ Compensation Advisory Board.