Kristi Dušek, M. Div.

Research Associate
B.A., Public Health, Johns Hopkins
B.A., Culinary Management, A.A. Cooking and Baking, Baltimore International College; MDIV, Contemporary Leadership, Biblical Theological Seminary
Phone: 410-837-3977 ext. 278
Fax: 410-752-4218
Ms. Dušek grew up in rural Louisiana and moved to Baltimore to attend college at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), where she earned an undergraduate degree in public health. Following graduation, Ms. Dušek began working in educational research at JHU’s Center for Organization of Schools, where she assisted in conducting programmatic research to improve the education system focusing on elementary, middle, and high school reform efforts.
At FRI, Ms. Dušek has worked on a range of projects including a study comparing intensive outpatient v. standard outpatient counseling when combined with buprenorphine for heroin-dependent African Americans; a patient-centered approach to methadone treatment; the implementation of SBIRT with adolescents in primary care settings (comparing Generalist versus Specialist intervention deliveries); the effectiveness of SBIRT with adolescents in school-based health clinics (comparing computer-delivered versus Nurse Practitioner-delivered interventions); a survey of buprenorphine use in criminal justice settings; and a survey of fentanyl users in Baltimore City. Currently she is working on Dr. Gryczynski’s NIDA-funded OUTLAST-B study, which will examine the effectiveness of opioid use disorder treatment linkage at STI clinics and other Strategic Touchpoints using buprenorphine.