Kristi Dušek, M. Div.

Kristi Dušek, M. Div.
Kristi Dušek, M. Div.
Research Associate

B.A., Public Health, Johns Hopkins
B.A., Culinary Management, A.A. Cooking and Baking, Baltimore International College; MDIV, Contemporary Leadership, Biblical Theological Seminary
Phone: 410-837-3977 ext. 278
Fax: 410-752-4218
Research Interests

Ms. Dušek grew up in rural Louisiana and moved to Baltimore to attend college at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), where she earned an undergraduate degree in public health. Following graduation, Ms. Dušek began working in educational research at JHU’s Center for Organization of Schools, where she assisted in conducting programmatic research to improve the education system focusing on elementary, middle, and high school reform efforts.

At FRI, Ms. Dušek has worked on a range of projects including a study comparing intensive outpatient v. standard outpatient counseling when combined with buprenorphine for heroin-dependent African Americans; a patient-centered approach to methadone treatment; the implementation of SBIRT with adolescents in primary care settings (comparing Generalist versus Specialist intervention deliveries); the effectiveness of SBIRT with adolescents in school-based health clinics (comparing computer-delivered versus Nurse Practitioner-delivered interventions); a survey of buprenorphine use in criminal justice settings; and a survey of fentanyl users in Baltimore City. Currently she is working on Dr. Gryczynski’s NIDA-funded OUTLAST-B study, which will examine the effectiveness of opioid use disorder treatment linkage at STI clinics and other Strategic Touchpoints using buprenorphine.

Selected Publications
Lounsbury DW, Mitchell SG, Dusek K, Li Z, Kirk AS, Oros M, Hosler C, Schwartz RP, Gryczynski J, Monico LB & Brown BS (in press). Application of System Dynamics Modeling to Inform Implementation of Adolescent SBIRT in Primary Care Settings Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research
Mitchell, M. M., G Mitchell, S., Brooks, J. H., Akinwolere, O. G., Dusek, K., O’Grady, K. E., Schwartz, R. P., & Gryczynski, J. (2024). The Relationship between Vaping Cannabis and Frequency of Cannabis Use and Cannabis-Related Problems among Urban High School Students. Substance use & misuse, 59(3), 329–335.
Gryczynski, J., Monico, L. B., Garrison, K., Dusek, K., Oros, M., Hosler, C., Brown, B. S., Schwartz, R. P., O’Grady, K. E., Kirk, A., & Mitchell, S. G. (2023). Sustainability of Adolescent Screening and Brief Intervention Services in Primary Care After Removal of Implementation Supports. J Stud Alcohol Drugs, 84 (1), 103-108.
Mitchell, M. M., G Mitchell, S., Brooks, J. H., Akinwolere, O. G., Dusek, K., O’Grady, K. E., Schwartz, R. P., & Gryczynski, J. (2023). The Relationship between Vaping Cannabis and Frequency of Cannabis Use and Cannabis-Related Problems among Urban High School Students. Substance use & misuse, 1–7. Advance online publication.
Barbosa, C., Cowell, A., Dunlap, L., Wedehase, B., Dušek, K., Schwartz, R. P., Gryczynski, J., Barnosky, A., Kirk, A. S., Oros, M., Hosler-Moore, C., O’Grady, K. E., Brown, B. S., & Mitchell, S. G. (2022). Costs and implementation effectiveness of generalist versus specialist models for adolescent screening and brief intervention in primary care. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83 (2), 231-238. Doi: 10.15288/jsad.2022.83.231.
Hochstatter, K. R., Terplan, M., Mitchell, S. G., Schwartz, R. P., Dusek, K., Wireman, K., & Gryczynski, J. (2022). Characteristics and correlates of fentanyl preferences among people with opioid use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 240 , 109630. Doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109630.
Sharma A., Mitchell, S.G., Nordeck, C.D., Schwartz, R.P., Dusek, K., O’Grady, K., Gryczynski, J. (2022). Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing after brief intervention for risk behaviors in school-based health centers (SBHCs) Journal of Adolescent Health, 70 (4), 577-583.
Sharma, A., Mitchell, S. G., Nordeck, C. D., Schwartz, R. P., Dusek, K., O’Grady, K. E., & Gryczynski, J. (2022). Sexually Transmitted Infection testing after brief intervention for risk behaviors in school-based health centers (SBHCs). Journal of Adolescent Health, 70(4), 577-583, doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.11.013.
Gryczynski, J., Lee, J. D., Dusek, K., McDonald, R., Sharma A., Malone, M., … & Chilcoat, H. D. (2021). Use of non–prescribed buprenorphine in the criminal justice system: Perspectives of individuals recently released from incarceration. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 127 , 108349.
Gryczynski, J., Lee, J. D., Dusek, K., McDonald, R., Sharma, A., Malone, M., Monico, L. B., Cheng, A., DeVeaugh-Geiss, A., & Chilcoat, H. D. (2021). Use of non-prescribed buprenorphine in the criminal justice system: Perspectives of individuals recently released from incarceration. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 127, 108349.
Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S. G., Schwartz, R. P., Dusek, K., O’Grady, K. E., Cowell, A. J., Barbosa, C., Barnosky, A., & DiClemente, C. C. (2021). Computer- vs. nurse practitioner-delivered brief intervention for adolescent marijuana, alcohol, and sex risk behaviors in school-based health centers Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 218, 108423.
Monico, L. B., Gryczynski, J., Lee, J. D., Dusek, K., McDonald, R., Malone, M., Sharma, A., Cheng, A., DeVeaugh-Geiss, A., & Chilcoat, H. (2021). Exploring nonprescribed use of buprenorphine in the criminal justice system through qualitative interviews among individuals recently released from incarceration. Journal Substance Abuse Treatment, 123, 108267.
Monico, L. B., Mitchell, S. G., Gryczynski, J., Dusek, K., Oros, M., Hosler, C., Brown, B. S., Ross, T., & Schwartz, R. P. (2021). Organizational acceptability of implementing SBIRT for adolescents in primary care. Substance Use & Misuse, 56 (10), 1536-1542.
Lounsbury DW, Mitchell SG, Dusek KA, Li JZ, Kirk AS, Oros M, Hosler C, Schwartz RP, Gryczynski J, Monico LB, Brown BS (2020). Application of system dynamics to inform a model of adolescent SBIRT implementation in primary care settings. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 47(2), 230–244.
Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, Kirk AS, Dusek K, Oros M, Hosler C, O’Grady KE, Brown BS (2020). Adolescent SBIRT implementation: Generalist vs. Specialist models of service delivery in primary care. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 111, 67-72.
Monico, L., Gryczynski, J., Lee, J.D., Dusek, K., McDonald, R., Malone, M., Sharma A., Cheng, A, DeVeaugh-Geiss, A., & Chilcoat, H. (2020). Exploring nonprescribed use of buprenorphine in the criminal justice system through qualitative interviews among individuals recently released from incarceration. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 123 , 108267.
Gryczynski J, Mitchell SG, Schwartz RP, Kelly SM, Dušek K, Monico L, O’Grady KE, Brown BS, Oros M, Hosler C (2019). Disclosure of Adolescent Substance Use in Primary Care: Comparison of Routine Clinical Screening and Anonymous Research Interviews Journal of Adolescent Health 64(4):541-543. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.10.009. Epub 2018 Dec 18. PMID: 30578116.
Monico LB, Mitchell SG, Dusek K, Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, Oros M, Hosler C, O’Grady KE, Brown BS (2019). A Comparison of Screening Practices for Adolescents in Primary Care After Implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment. Journal of Adolescent Health Journal of Adolescent Health 65(1):46-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.12.005. Epub 2019 Mar 6. PMID: 30850312.
Barbosa C, Wedehase B, Dunlap L, Mitchell SG, Dusek K, Schwartz RP, Gryzcynski J, Kirk AS, Oros M, Hosler C, O’Grady KE, Brown BS (2018). Start-Up Costs of SBIRT Implementation for Adolescents in Urban U.S. Federally Qualified Health Centers Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 79(3):447-454. PMID:29885153.
Barbosa C, Dunlap LJ, Wedehase B, Mitchell SG, Schwartz RP, Dušek K, Kirk AS, Oros M, Hosler C, Gryczynski J, Brown BS (2015). Start-up costs of implementing Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) for Adolescents (part of Economics of SBI symposium) Addiction Science and Clinical Practice 10 (Suppl 2), O5.
Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, Mitchell SG, Dzirasa L, Dušek K, O’Grady K, and Cowell A (2015). Preliminary research in preparation for a randomized trial of brief intervention strategies for adolescents in school-based health centers Addiction Science and Clinical Practice 10 (Suppl 2), O20.
Gryczynski J, Jaffe JH, Schwartz RP, Dušek KA, Gugsa N, Monroe CL, O’Grady KE, Olsen YK, Mitchell SG (2013). Patient perspectives on choosing buprenorphine over methadone in an urban, equal-access system.  American Journal on Addictions 22(3):285-91.