Kathryn Silberberg

Project Director
B.A., Psychology & Sociology, Towson University
Phone: 410-837-3977 ext. 242
Fax: 410-752-4218
Ms. Silberberg has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology from Towson University. Ms. Silberberg previously worked for FRI for 13 years working on pharmacotherapy studies involving prisoners as a research interviewer, research assistant, and research associate. Her main area of interest is working with incarcerated adults with opiate addiction. She has been involved with several studies involving substance abuse treatment for opiate addicted prisoners, including Methadone Maintenance for Prisoners, Buprenorphine for Prisoners, Buprenorphine for Probationers and Parolees, and A Study of Vivitrol in the Prevention of Re-arrest and Re-incarceration. Ms. Silberberg has many years of experience administering bio-psycho-social assessments, working with underserved populations, and acting as a liaison between prison officials, substance abuse treatment clinicians, and research staff.