Faith S. Feingold, LCSW, Secretary

Faith S. Feingold, LCSW, Secretary
Faith S. Feingold, LCSW, Secretary
Clinical Social Worker-Retired
The Division of Geriatric Medicine at Union Memorial Hospital

M.S., Guidance and Counseling, Loyola College
Phone: 410-837-3977
Fax: 410-752-4218
Brief Biography

Faith S. Feingold holds an undergraduate degree in religion and education from Goucher College, a master’s in guidance and counseling from Loyola College and a graduate certificate in group psychiatry from the Washington School of Psychiatry. Over the ensuing decades, Ms. Feingold has employed her background and skills providing social work and group psychiatric services in a variety of professional settings.

Recently, Ms. Feingold was a geriatric social worker for the Division of Geriatric Medicine at Union Memorial Hospital where she provided psychosocial consultation and planning services for patients and their families in a multidisciplinary, comprehensive geriatric assessment program.

Her relationship with Friends Research Institute began early in her career when she worked as a family therapist at Epoch House in Catonsville, then an affiliate of Friends of Medical Research, the forerunner of FRI, and later a clinical director at Epoch House East in Essex.

Among her posts in the combined fields of social work and psychiatric counseling have been coordinator of the Glen Manor Programs of Jewish Family Services, providing residential services for adults with mental illness, Epilepsy Association of Maryland, providing psychotherapy for people with epilepsy, head injuries and other neurological disorders and developmental disabilities; group facilitator the Wellness Community, providing psychological support for cancer patients and their families, and individual and family counselor and family counselor in the Family Services Division at the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems at the University of Maryland Hospital.

In her academic and consulting capacity, Ms. Feingold was an adjunct instructor in the graduate program in education at Loyola College; consultant in group psychotherapy to the counseling staff of Patapsco Senior High School in Baltimore County; social services consultant for the Manor Care (nursing home) in Rossville, Maryland; staff training consultant for the Evolution Drug Abuse Prevention Program at the Harbel Multi-Purpose Center, and guest lecturer on group psychotherapy for the Maryland Institute of Alcohol Studies at Washington College.

Before her retirement, Ms. Feingold was a Licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical and was a member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association and the National Association of Social Workers.

She has been a longstanding member of the Board and the Executive Committee of Friends Research Institute.