Dr. Mary Moser Mitchell

FRI Welcomes Assistant Research Scientist
Dr. Mary Mitchell

FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Mary Mitchell has accepted a position as an Assistant Research Scientist at FRI. Dr. Mitchell is a public health research scientist with a focus on the role of caregivers of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and the ways in which caregivers can influence the health behaviors of their care recipients, especially among those from vulnerable populations, with a focus on individuals who use illicit drugs. Dr. Mitchell has over a decade’s experience conducting data analysis in social and behavioral descriptive and intervention research, on a broad range of health topics and study populations. In addition to her training and research experience in social factors, drug abuse, HIV, and communications, she has extensive experience in statistical approaches to analyzing psychosocial data, such as factor analyses, latent class analyses, structural equation modeling, latent growth models, and other latent variable techniques. Dr. Mitchell also has experience with protective social environmental influences on experiences of stress and related psychosocial outcomes, including effects of military unit cohesion on soldiers’ psychiatric outcomes of military service, and effects of school climate on children’s psychosocial functioning. She is also a reviewer for AIDS & Behavior, AIDS Care, and Journal of Loss and Trauma, in addition to an editorial board member for AIDS Patient Care & STDs. FRI is delighted to welcome Dr. Mitchell and wishes her a prosperous career with the organization.