Dr. Blue Receives Promotion to Research Scientist
FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Thomas R. Blue has been promoted from an Assistant Research Scientist to a Research Scientist, effective July 17, 2019. Since joining FRI in 2017, Dr. Blue has performed several secondary analyses of research data including analyses of arrest outcomes (now published in the Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence) and HIV risk behaviors (manuscript under review) of participants in a randomized controlled trial of buprenorphine for prisoners. Additionally he has helped author multiple grant applications to NIH including one for the Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN), which FRI was recently awarded. As part of this project he will serve as Co-Investigator, study statistician, and data manager for an equivalence trial of extended release naltrexone and extended release buprenorphine for individuals incarcerated throughout Maryland. Dr. Blue’s main interests include experimental design (including sample size determination) and the evaluation of both experimental and non-experimental data, especially data structured hierarchically and/or longitudinally. He hopes to continue learning more about statistical design and analysis to assist future FRI research efforts and to apply this knowledge to research efforts of his own that include using data driven methods to design and test interventions for justice-involved individuals suffering from opioid use disorders. FRI would like to congratulate Dr. Blue on this notable achievement and wishes him a prosperous career with the organization.