Dr. Anjalee Sharma Receives Promotion to Assistant Research Scientist

FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Anjalee Sharma recently earned her PhD degree in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and has been promoted to Assistant Research Scientist at FRI. This new role is concurrent with her primary position as a postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit (BPRU). Dr. Sharma first joined FRI in 2014 as a Research Assistant, working on Dr. Robert Schwartz’s studies of screening tool validation in primary care (CTN 0059), patient-centered methadone treatment, and interim methadone treatment initiated in the Baltimore City Detention Center. She briefly left FRI to pursue her doctoral education at the University of North Carolina, returning in 2020 to work with Dr. Jan Gryczynski on studies of brief interventions for adolescents, buprenorphine diversion in criminal justice settings, and opioid use disorder treatment linkage. Dr. Sharma’s areas of research include treatment access and outcomes, criminal justice, and equity. Using data from two FRI clinical trials of methadone treatment, her doctoral dissertation examined the relationship between treatment initiation setting, patient race, and Quality of Life. In her new role as Assistant Research Scientist, Dr. Sharma will focus on opioid use disorder treatment research, working with Dr. Gryczynski and colleagues. FRI is excited to welcome Dr. Sharma to her new position at the Institute, and offers congratulations for her accomplishments.