Jerome H. Jaffe, M.D.

Jerome H. Jaffe, M.D.
Jerome H. Jaffe, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
University of Maryland School of Medicine

M.D., Temple University School of Medicine
Phone: 410-837-3977
Fax: 410-752-4218
Research Interests

Dr. Jaffe is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry in the Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, University of Maryland School of Medicine, and Adjunct Professor, Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is internationally recognized as an expert on the addictions. He has worked in this area for more than forty years, in academia and government, as a clinician, laboratory and clinical researcher, teacher, writer, and policymaker. As the first White House “Drug Czar,” Dr. Jaffe initiated many of the basic and epidemiological research programs that formed the groundwork for ongoing efforts in drug abuse research, and he introduced programs that radically altered and expanded drug abuse treatment in the United States. His more than 200 publications include peer reviewed articles in scientific journals, chapters in major textbooks of psychiatry, pharmacology, and drug abuse, and books and articles in the popular press. Dr. Jaffe is on the editorial boards of several journals, has served on national and international advisory groups, and is a consultant to private and public agencies concerned with drug abuse treatment and policy. He is a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (Distinguished Life), American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (Emeritus), American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Society for the Study of Addiction in the UK.

PBS Frontline Series on Addiction Interview

The connection between New Year’s resolutions and a landmark study regarding heroin addiction among returning Vietnam War veterans.

Selected Publications
Schwartz RP, Mitchell MM, O’Grady KE, Kelly SM, Gryczynski J, Mitchell SG, Gordon MS, Jaffe JH (in press). Pharmacotherapy for Opioid Addiction in Community Corrections International Review of Psychiatry 2018 Dec 6:1-19. doi: 10.1080/09540261.2018.1524373. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30522370.
Mitchell, M., Kelly, S., O’Grady, K., Jaffe, J., Mitchell, S., & Schwartz, R. (2021). HIV-risk behavior among adults with opioid use disorder during 12 months following pre-trial detention: Results from a randomized trial of methadone treatment. AIDS & Behavior, 25 (4), 1247-1256.
Schwartz, R. P., Kelly, S. M., Mitchell, S. G., O’Grady, K. E., Duren, T., Sharma, A., Gryczynski, J., & Jaffe, J. H. (2021). Randomized trial of methadone treatment of arrestees: 24-month post-release outcomes. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 218, 108392.
Gryczynski, J., Nordeck, C. D., Martin, R. D., Welsh, C., Schwartz, R. P., Mitchell, S. G., & Jaffe, J. H. (2020). Leveraging health information exchange for clinical research: Extreme underreporting of hospital service utilization among patients with substance use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 107992.
Kelly, S. M., Schwartz, R. P., O’Grady, K. E., Mitchell, S. G., Duren, T., Sharma A., & Jaffe, J. H. (2020). Impact of methadone treatment initiated in jail on subsequent arrest. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment ,108006.
Schwartz, R.P., Kelly, S.M., Mitchell, S.G., O’Grady, K.E., Sharma A., Jaffe, J.H. (2020). Methadone treatment of arrestees: A randomized clinical trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Schwartz RP, Kelly SM, Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH (2019). Initiating methadone in jail and in the community: Patient differences and implications of methadone treatment for reducing arrests Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 97:7-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2018.11.006. Epub 2018 Nov 19. PMID:30577902.
Mitchell SG, Monico LB, Lertch E, Kelly SM, Gryczynski J, Jaffe J, O’Grady KE, & Schwartz RP (2018). Counseling staff’s views of patient-centered methadone treatment: Changing program rules and staff roles The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 45(3):506-515. doi: 10.1007/s11414-018-9603-1. PMID: 29536342.
Monico LB, Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, Jaffe JH, O’Grady KE, & Mitchell SG (2018). Treatment outcomes among a cohort of African American buprenorphine patients: Follow-up at 12-months. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 44(6):604-610. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2018.1461877. Epub 2018 May 2. PMID: 29718715.
Schwartz RP, Mitchell MM, O’Grady KE, Kelly SM, Gryczynski J, Mitchell SG, Gordon MS, Jaffe JH (2018). Pharmacotherapy for opioid addiction in community corrections International Review of Psychiatry 30(5):117-135. doi: 10.1080/09540261.2018.1524373. Epub 2018 Dec 6. PMID: 30522370.
Schwartz RP, Kelly SM, Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, O’Grady KE, Gandhi D, Olsen Y, Jaffe JH (2017). Patient‐centered methadone treatment: a randomized clinical trial Addiction 112(3):454-64.
Schwartz RP, Kelly SM, Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH (2017). When does methadone treatment reduce arrest and severity of arrest charges? An analysis of arrest records Drug and Alcohol Dependence 180:385-390. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.08.025. Epub 2017 Sep 14. PMID: 28961545.
Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, O’Grady KE, Restivo LL, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH (2016). Understanding patterns of high-cost health care use across different substance user groups Health Affairs (Millwood). 35(1):12-9. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0618. PMID: 26733696 PMCID: PMC4936480 DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0618.
Schwartz RP, Kelly SM, Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, O’Grady KE, Gandhi D, Olsen Y, Jaffe JH (2016). Patient-centered methadone treatment: a randomized clinical trial. Addiction doi: 10.1111/add.13622. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 27661788.
Schwartz, R. P., Kelly, S. M., Mitchell, S. G., Dunlap, L., Zarkin, G. A., Sharma A., O’Grady, K.E., & Jaffe, J. H. (2016). Corrigendum to “Interim methadone and patient navigation in jail: Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial.”[Contemp. Clin. Trials 49 (2016): 21–28]. Contemporary clinical trials, 51 , 97.
Schwartz, R. P., Kelly, S. M., Mitchell, S. G., Dunlap, L., Zarkin, G. A., Sharma A., O’Grady, K.E., & Jaffe, J. H. (2016). Interim methadone and patient navigation in jail: Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials.
Gryczynski J, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH, O’Grady KE, Olsen YK, Schwartz RP (2015). Leaving buprenorphine treatment: patients’ reasons for cessation of care Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 46(3):356-61. PubMed PMID: 24238714; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3947058.
Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, Myers CP, O’Grady KE, Olsen YK, Jaffe JH (2015). Changes in Quality of Life following Buprenorphine Treatment: Relationship with Treatment Retention and Illicit Opioid Use. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 47(2):149-57.
Monico LB, Gryczynski J, Mitchell SG, Schwartz RP, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH (2015). Buprenorphine treatment and 12-step meeting attendance: conflicts, compatibilities, and patient outcomes. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment   57:89-95. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2015.05.005. Epub 2015 May 12. PMID: 25986647.
Monico LB, Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, O’Grady KE, Olsen YK, Jaffe JH (2015). Prior experience with non-prescribed buprenorphine: Role in treatment entry and retention. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 57:57-62. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2015.04.010. Epub 2015 May 7. PMID: 25980599.
Schwartz RP, Kelly SM, Gryczynski J, Mitchell SG, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH (2015). Heroin use, HIV-risk, and criminal behavior in Baltimore: Findings from Clinical Research. Journal of Addictive Diseases 34(2-3):151-61. doi: 10.1080/10550887.2015.1059222. PMID: 26079104.
Vocci FJ, Schwartz RP, Wilson ME, Gordon MS, Kinlock TW, Fitzgerald TT, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH (2015). Buprenorphine dose induction in non-opioid-tolerant pre-release prisoners. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 156:133-8. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.09.001. Epub 2015 Sep 7. PMID: 26409751.
Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, Kelly SM, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH, Olsen YK, Schwartz RP (2014). Treatment Outcomes of African American Buprenorphine Patients by Parole and Probation Status Journal of Drug Issues 44(1):69-82. PMID:25364037.
Schwartz RP, Alexandre PK, Kelly SM, O’Grady KE, Gryczynski J, Jaffe JH (2014). Interim versus standard methadone treatment: a benefit-cost analysis. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 46(3):306-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2013.10.003. Epub 2013 Oct 14.PMID:24239030.
Gryczynski J, Jaffe JH, Schwartz RP, Dušek KA, Gugsa N, Monroe CL, O’Grady KE, Olsen YK, Mitchell SG (2013). Patient perspectives on choosing buprenorphine over methadone in an urban, equal-access system.  American Journal on Addictions 22(3):285-91.
Gryczynski J, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH, Kelly SM, Myers CP, O’Grady KE, Olsen YK, Schwartz RP (2013). Retention in methadone and buprenorphine treatment among African Americans.  Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 45(3):287-92.
Kelly SM, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH, Gandhi D, Schwartz RP (2013). Improvements in outcomes in methadone patients on probation/parole regardless of counseling early in treatment  Journal of Addiction Medicine 7 (2), 133-138.
Mitchell SG, Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, O’Grady KE, Olsen YK, Jaffe JH (2013). A randomized trial of intensive outpatient (IOP) vs. standard outpatient (OP) buprenorphine treatment for African Americans Drug and Alcohol Dependence 128 (3), 222-229.
Schwartz RP, Gryczynski J, O’Grady KE, Sharfstein JM, Warren G, Olsen Y, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH (2013). Opioid agonist treatments and heroin overdose deaths in Baltimore, Maryland, 1995-2009 American Journal of Public Health  103(5):917-22.
Schwartz RP, Gryczynski J, O’Grady KE, Sharfstein JM, Warren G, Olsen YK, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH (2013). Schwartz et al. respond.  American Journal of Public Health 2013 103(8):e2-3..Epub 2013 Jun 13.
Kelly SM, Schwartz RP, O’Grady KE, Gandhi D, Jaffe JH (2012). Impact of methadone with versus without drug abuse counseling on HIV risk: 4- and 12-month findings from a clinical trial Journal of Addiction Medicine 6 (2), 145-152. [PMCID: PMC3322294].
Mitchell SG, Kelly SM, Gryczynski J, Myers CP, Jaffe JH, O’Grady KE, Olson YK, Schwartz RP (2012). African-American patients seeking treatment in the public sector: Characteristics of buprenorphine v. methadone patients Drug and Alcohol Dependence 122, 55-60. [PMCID: PMC3251709].
Schwartz RP, Kelly SM, O’Grady KE, Gandhi D, Jaffe JH (2012). Randomized trial of standard methadone treatment compared to initiating methadone without counseling: 12-month findings Addiction 107 (5), 943-952. [PMCID: PMC3319854].
Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, Salkever DS, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH (2011). Patterns in admission delays to outpatient methadone treatment in the United States Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 41 (4), 431-439. [PMCID: PMC3205308].
Schwartz RP, Kelly SM, O’Grady KE, Gandhi D, Jaffe JH (2011). Interim methadone treatment compared to standard methadone treatment: 4-Month findings Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 41 (1), 21-29. [PMCID: PMC3110526].
Wilson ME, Schwartz RP, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH (2010). Impact of interim methadone maintenance on HIV risk behaviors Journal of Urban Health 87 (4), 586-591. [PMCID: PMC2900571].
Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, O’Grady K, Jaffe JH (2009). Dropout from interim methadone and subsequent comprehensive methadone maintenance American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 35, 394-398.
Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, O’Grady K, Jaffe JH (2009). Treatment entry among individuals on a waiting list for methadone maintenance.  American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 35(5), 290-294. Abstract.
Schwartz RP, Jaffe JH, O’Grady K, Das B, Highfield DA, Wilson ME (2009). Scaling-up interim methadone maintenance: Treatment for 1,000 heroin addicts Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 37(4), 362-367. PMCID: PMC2796977.
Schwartz RP, Jaffe JH, O’Grady KE, Kinlock TW, Gordon MS, Kelly SM, Wilson ME, Ahmed A (2009). Interim Methadone Treatment: Impact on Arrests.  Drug and Alcohol Dependence 103, 148-154. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2009.03.007. Epub 2009 May 14. PMID: 19443133.
Highfield DA, Schwartz RP, Jaffe JH, Callaman J, O’Grady KE (2007). Intravenous and intranasal heroin dependent treatment seekers: Similarities and differences Addiction 102(11), 1816-23. Epub 2007 Sep 3. PMID: 17784892.
Schwartz RP, Highfield DA, Jaffe JH, Callaman JM, O’Grady KE (2007). A randomized controlled trial of interim methadone maintenance: 10 month-follow-up Drug and Alcohol Dependence 86, 30-36. Epub 2006 Jun 21. PMID: 16793221.
Schwartz RP, Highfield DA, Jaffe JH, Brady JV, Butler CB, Rouse CO, Callaman JM, O’Grady KE, and Battjes RJ (2006). A randomized controlled trial of interim methadone maintenance Archives of General Psychiatry 63(1), 102-109. PMID: 16389204.