Dr. Thomas Hanlon, Senior Research Scientist, Retires After a 52-Year Relationship with FRI

Dr. Thomas Hanlon has had a long and distinguished career in the areas of personality assessment and treatment evaluation. His initial research experience involved conducting clinical psychopharmacological trials largely involving the treatment of schizophrenic and other seriously ill psychiatric patients. During this same period, he also participated in early treatment evaluation studies of the effectiveness of narcotic antagonists in the treatment of heroin drug addiction. The second stage of his involvement in treatment evaluation studies (which involved collaboration with Dr. David Nurco of Friends Social Research Center) included designing and conducting numerous psychosocial outpatient treatment trials involving addicted substance abusers under probation and/or parole supervision by the Maryland Department of Corrections. Examining the early developmental experiences of these addicted individuals led to Dr. Hanlon’s interest and involvement in drug abuse prevention studies of at-risk adolescent minority youth, first in community behavioral clinics and subsequently within the public school system. (Dr. Hanlon’s extensive list of publications reflects this transitional aspect of his professional experience.) The latter part of his professional career as a senior investigator has also involved the mentoring of junior professional staff at FRI on the analysis, interpretation, and write-up of prevention research findings, with more recent emphasis on the avoidance of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Originally a Maryland State employee, Dr. Hanlon entered State service as a research scientist assigned to the research center at Spring Grove State Hospital, which subsequently became the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center (MPRC) following the reception of a Center foundation grant from the federal government. Having obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1958 from Catholic University of America, Dr. Hanlon became a faculty member of the University of Maryland Medical School when the MPRC was incorporated into the Medical School’s Department of Psychiatry. Dr Hanlon retired from State service in July of 1991.

Dr. Hanlon has had a long association with FRI initially working in conjunction with Dr. Albert Kurland and other founding members of the FRI organization in establishing a program of research at Spring Grove originally involving treatment efforts targeting chronic psychiatric illness. During these early years, Dr. Hanlon was the first recipient of educational support from FRI that enabled him to complete his doctoral training. During his long-term association with FRI, Dr. Hanlon served for 11 years as the Chairman of FRI’s IRB and contributed importantly to the early growth of FRI as a viable research organization.

Dr. Shannon Gwin Mitchell

FRI Researcher Receives Abell Foundation Grant Award

FRI is pleased to announce that Shannon Gwin Mitchell, Ph.D., Research Scientist, has received a grant award from the Abell Foundation to collect 12-month follow-up data on 100 study participants currently enrolled in her NIDA-funded study entitled “Intensive Outpatient v. Outpatient Treatment with Buprenorphine among African Americans.” This new grant award will provide approximately $30,000 to cover the costs of paying research participants, the salary of a research assistant, and other research-related expenses. The funding period for this award is from September 2011 through October 2012. FRI congratulates Dr. Mitchell regarding receipt of this grant award.

Dr. Robert P. Schwartz

FRI Research Studies Highlighted on Department of Justice Website as Being Effective Substance Abuse Treatment Approaches

FRI is pleased to announce that our research on Interim Methadone, Principal Investigator Dr. Robert Schwartz and Co-Investigators Drs. Jerome Jaffe and Sharon Kelly, has been listed on the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program’s website of evidence based practices.

In addition, FRI is please to announce that our research on Prison-Initiated Methadone Maintenance Treatment, Principal Investigator Dr. Timothy Kinlock and Co-Investigators Drs. Robert Schwartz and Michael Gordon, has also been listed on the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program’s website of evidence based practices.

The Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs’ CrimeSolutions.gov uses rigorous research to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services. FRI congratulates Drs. Schwartz, Jaffe, Kelly, Kinlock, and Gordon for their important contributions to effective substance abuse treatment approaches.

Michael S. Gordon

FRI Researcher Receives First R01 Grant Award

Friends Research Institute (FRI) was one of ten grantees awarded a five-year Seek, Test, and Treat: Addressing HIV in the Criminal Justice System grant funded through the National Institute on Drug Abuse. This grant will be conducted in two sites. The Baltimore Maryland site will be led by Principal Investigator Dr. Michael S. Gordon and Co-Investigators, Dr. Timothy W. Kinlock (of FRI) and Dr. Elizabeth Disney of Chase Brexton. The Providence, Rhode Island site will be led by Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Josiah Rich and Co-Investigator Ms. Michele McKenzie at The Miriam Hospital-Lifespan. Dr. Gordon’s research is focused on drug abuse treatment for criminal justice populations, including developing, implementing, and evaluating innovative drug abuse treatment interventions for prisoners with heroin addiction histories.

The study investigators will be conducting both a randomized trial of HIV testing in community corrections, and a randomized trial of linkage to HIV care for people with HIV recruited through community corrections (probation and parole). The first study is a two-group randomized controlled trial in which 6,000 male and female probationers and parolees in Baltimore City, Maryland and Providence, Rhode Island will be randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions: 1) On-site rapid testing conducted by research staff co-located for the purposes of this study at the probation/parole office; or 2) Off-site referral for rapid HIV testing at a community health center or HIV testing clinic. The second study is a randomized trial, whereby all individuals identified at community corrections with HIV will be offered enrollment in a one-year intervention study to examine the ability to improve linkage into HIV care. Participants will be randomized to receive one of two conditions: 1) Project Bridge (PB) for one year, or 2) Treatment as Usual-referral to standard level of care (TAU). Moreover, those randomized to TAU will be given an opportunity to “crossover” to PB if they have failed to engage in treatment during the first three months. The rationale for choosing the two cities of Baltimore, MD and Providence, RI is due to the historically high rates of heroin addiction that is associated with multiple HIV-related risk behaviors in these two cities and a high likelihood of being on probation and/or parole.

Dr. Shannon Gwin Mitchell

Second FRI Researcher to Receive NIH Stimulus Funding

Friends Research Institute (FRI) was recently awarded a highly coveted challenge research grant funded through the National Institute on Drug Abuse from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The nearly $1,000,000 grant award will support the work of ten research staff as well as the work of three clinics in conducting the study.

This highly competitive award will be led by Dr. Shannon Gwin Mitchell, a community psychologist and research scientist at FRI. Dr. Mitchell has spent the last three years leading the ethnographic component of a longitudinal study examining factors affecting methadone treatment entry and engagement. Prior to her work with FRI, she was at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University where she conducted qualitative research for several HIV risk reduction and peer support interventions with injection drug users.

Dr. Jerome H. Jaffe, an internationally-known expert in addictions, will work closely with Dr. Mitchell on this newly funded study, which will compare the relative effectiveness of intensive outpatient v. standard outpatient counseling when combined with buprenorphine for heroin-dependent African Americans. It will shed light on the important question of what is the appropriate amount of counseling to provide along with medication for opioid addiction.

Dr. Kinlock

FRI Researcher Among First to Receive NIH Stimulus Funding

A Friends Research Institute research scientist, Dr. Timothy Kinlock is among the first in the nation to receive National Institutes of Health stimulus funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The two-year, approximately $1,000,000 grant will support at least seven jobs and the research of investigators in Baltimore who will be collaborating with investigators nationwide to examine ways to improve access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for newly released prisoners with histories of opioid addiction. The need for access to MAT for newly-released inmates is particularly urgent given that most such individuals do not receive drug treatment during incarceration or upon release and typically resume heroin use and criminal activity within one month of re-entry to the community, increasing the risk for overdose death, HIV infection, and re-incarceration. The recovery act seeks to create or save more than 3.5 million jobs over the next two years.

This study, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, will involve a multidisciplinary team of researchers. The Principal Investigator, Dr. Timothy Kinlock, a criminologist, is a leading US researcher in the field of pharmacotherapy among patients in the criminal justice system. He has studied every approved medication for the treatment of opioid dependence among prisoners or parolees and probationers, including buprenorphine, LAAM, methadone, and naltrexone. Dr. Michael Gordon, a co-investigator, has worked closely with Dr. Kinlock since 1999, having served as Project Manager/Co-Investigator on Dr. Kinlock’s study of prison-initiated methadone, the first randomized clinical trial in the US of pre-release methadone treatment. Dr. Robert Schwartz, has collaborated with Drs. Kinlock and Gordon on the above-mentioned investigations of opioid agonist treatment among prisoners and recently completed a NIDA-funded study showing the effectiveness of interim methadone maintenance. The investigators have forged a long-term working alliance with the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services and community treatment providers to introduce and implement pharmacological interventions into correctional settings and programs for offenders with histories of opioid dependence. Given the near absence of pharmacological treatment within correctional institutions in the United States and the substantial numbers of drug-dependent offenders entering and leaving institutional settings, the presently proposed research team can add significantly with regard to engaging correctional settings in the adoption of medication-assisted treatment.

Robert SchwartzBuilding on their past work, the investigators will examine the impact of an established implementation strategy linking correctional case managers with MAT program counselors to improve access to MAT in the community for newly released inmates. They will examine whether MAT programs who use this enhanced strategy will result in a greater percentage of treatment entry and duration of treatment for newly released inmates compared to MAT programs that do not use this strategy. The intervention has the potential to reduce the risk to public safety and health, and results of this study may be of practical value to administrators and line staff of both correctional institutions and drug abuse treatment programs and can be used to overcome barriers to community treatment entry.

Dr. Kinlock

Buprenorphine-Naloxone Puerto Rico Study Highlighted in NIDA NewsScan

FRI is pleased to announce that the results of a collaborative study between researchers in Puerto Rico and the Social Research Center, including Timothy W. Kinlock, Ph.D., Michael S. Gordon, D.P.A., and Robert P. Schwartz, M.D., were recently published in a NIDA NewsScan. This study tested whether treatment with buprenorphine-naloxone could feasibly be initiated with soon-to-be-released opioid-addicted prisoners, and whether the treatment would continue in the community and decrease drug use and criminal activities. Of 45 prisoners who began treatment, 42 continued treatment until release; of these 42, 35 continued treatment in the community by one-month post-release. Key findings indicated that these 35 treatment completers had significantly greater reductions in heroin and cocaine use as well as a reduction in criminal activities compared with those who did not complete the program. Although the authors caution that this was a small feasibility study without a control group and that larger-scale future studies are needed, they believe that “the short-term outcomes of this study suggest that treatment with buprenorphine-naloxone may significantly contribute to reductions in readdiction to heroin and in criminal activities among re-entering male offenders.

Dr. Steven Carswell

New Grant Awards for FRI Investigators Carswell and Hanlon

FRI is pleased to announce that the following researchers at its East Coast Social Research Center have recently received grant funding from the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD).

Principal Investigator Steven B. Carswell, Ph.D., and Co-Investigator Thomas E. Hanlon, Ph.D., recently received funding for the R00 phase of their K99/R00 award. The primary aim of this three-year continuation entitled “Risk Factors for HIV among Urban African American Youth” is to examine the extent to which specific risk and protective factors predict both perceptions of HIV risk and participation in risky sexual behavior among high-risk African American youth. These youth, currently attending an Alternative Education Program (AEP), have exhibited academic, school conduct, and behavioral problems. Participants will be 200 male and female students, between the ages of 12 and 16. Half of the participants will be assessed the first project year and the remainder assessed in the second year. This research study has the potential to provide a greater understanding of issues related to perceptions of HIV risk and participation in risky sexual behaviors among high-risk urban African American youth. Findings from the study will be of significance to the field of public health by filling important knowledge gaps in terms of risk for HIV infection among such youth.

Dr. Kinlock

New Grant Awards for FRI Investigators Drs. Kinlock, Gordon, and Schwartz

FRI is pleased to announce that the following researchers at its East Coast Social Research Center have recently received grant funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). We would like to congratulate them as they embark on their timely and significant project.

Principal Investigator Timothy Kinlock, Ph.D., and Co-Investigators Michael Gordon, D.P.A., and Robert Schwartz, M.D., received a five-year grant from NIDA entitled “Prevention of Relapse to Opioid Addiction using Long-Acting Injectable Naltrexone.” The purpose of this study is to determine whether a monthly injection of naltrexone is practical and useful in the prevention of relapse and when compared to treatment as usual. This collaborative project will take place in five treatment sites where there is a large population of parolees with a history of opiate addiction: 1) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA: 2) Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI; 3) New York University/Bellevue, New York, NY; 4) Columbia University, New York, NY; and 5) Friends Research Institute, Baltimore, MD.

The University of Pennsylvania will be the coordinating site and each site will have a randomization goal of 20 new patients per year over 3.5 to 4 years to accrue a total of 360 to 400 participants. Treatment outcome will be measured by urine tests, hair analysis, self-report and continuation in treatment. Both naltrexone and comparison groups will receive equivalent cash incentives to remain in the program. A benefit-cost analysis will be conducted to compare the costs of the treatment with the quantifiable benefits in terms of reduced crime, re-incarceration and medical services and increased employment.

Dr. Carswell Publishes Book

Carswell Book CoverDr. Steven Carswell has recently published a book, which outlines findings from his research regarding delinquency among urban African American youth.

Purchase this book at Amazon.com.