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2014 FRI Awards

FRI recently held its biennial Awards Reception at the Ritz-Carlton Residences, Inner Harbor in Baltimore. During the reception several awards were presented to successful nominees.

The main award of the evening was the FRI Daniel Mendelsohn New Investigator Award. Nominees for this award are new investigators who show future promise, evidenced by commitment and achievement in research activities that address prevention, treatment or education issues during the early stage of their research careers.

Jan Gryczynski, Ph.D., Research Scientist, who began his career at FRI in 2006, was nominated for this award by Dr. Robert Schwartz, Medical Director/Senior Research Scientist. Dr. Schwartz stated that “[Dr. Gryczynski] is one of the smartest young investigators I have had the pleasure to collaborate with during my career” and “I cannot think of a single grant application or paper in which Jan was involved that he has not made considerably better though his creative and intellectual rigor, his hard work, focus, and his passion to improve the lives of others through science.” It was with great enthusiasm that FRI awarded Dr. Gryczynski with the 2014 FRI Daniel Mendelsohn New Investigator Award.

The FRI Mentoring Award was also awarded. Eligible nominees for the FRI Mentoring Award are Principal Investigators associated with FRI who encourage, enhance, and mentor scientists who are new to the field. The mentor assumes the role of a trusted friend and advisor to the new researcher.

Robert P. Schwartz, M.D., Medical Director/Senior Research Scientist, who began working at FRI in 2000, was nominated for this award by Dr. Jan Gryczynski, Research Scientist. Dr. Gryczynski stated that “Working with Robert has been a transformative experience that has greatly accelerated my development as a researcher and allowed me to flourish professionally and intellectually.” It was with great pleasure that FRI awarded Dr. Schwartz with the 2014 Mentoring Award. Dr. Schwartz also received this award in 2008 when he was nominated by Dr. Shannon Mitchell, Senior Research Scientist.

Eligible nominees for the Friend of Friends Award are individuals (who may or may not be employees) whose outstanding work has improved the lives of people spiritually, mentally, and physically, and reflect the mission of FRI, or whose work on behalf of FRI supports FRI in the fulfillment of its mission.

Arethusa Kirk, M.D., F.A.A.P., Pediatrician and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Total Health Care, was nominated for this award by Dr. Shannon Mitchell, Senior Research Scientist. Dr. Mitchell stated that “In developing community-centered research studies, it is rare to find a physician leader such as Dr. Kirk who has the vision, energy, and commitment to support the successful implementation of clinical research projects.” It was with great delight that FRI awarded Dr. Kirk with the 2014 Friend of Friends Award.

Eligible nominees for the FRI Employee Service Award are FRI employees who have had many years of service with FRI, exhibit outstanding work performance as well as dedication and loyalty to FRI, and demonstrate a strong work ethic.

Ms. Jane Ellen Gannod, Payroll Administrator/HR Assistant, who began her career at FRI in 2001, was nominated for the FRI Employee Service Award by Ms. Michele Hipsley, Chief Operating Officer. Ms. Hipsley stated that “Jane has demonstrated a strong work ethic, willingness to go over and above the call of duty, and immense dedication to her position and the FRI organization over the course of her employment.” It was with great pleasure that FRI awarded Ms. Jane Ellen R. Gannod with the 2014 FRI Employee Service Award.

Dr. Frank Vocci

Dr. Frank Vocci Delivers Annual Andrew G. DuMez Memorial Lecture

Frank J. Vocci, President and Senior Research Scientist at FRI, delivered the annual Andrew G. DuMez Memorial Lecture at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy on April 8, 2013. His lecture, titled “The Interplay of Dose and Dosage Form in the Development of Medications to Treat Addictive Disorders,” examined the evolution of pharmaceutical treatments available to individuals with substance abuse disorders, particularly those addicted to opioids, including illicit drugs such as heroin and prescription painkillers such as oxycodone.
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy’s website.

COG logo

COG Analytics Website Debut

FRI is pleased to announce the debut of the COG Analytics website. Founded in 2012, through a partnership with FRI, COG Analytics is a research and technology company committed to identifying and addressing the social and environmental determinants that contribute to poor health outcomes. The company’s focus is on the development of technologies that are designed to promote healthy behaviors.

Top Work Places 2013

FRI Named Top Workplace 2013

Friends Research Institute was recently named to the list of “The Baltimore Sun Top Workplaces” for 2013. This is FRI’s third year in a row for making the list. The evaluation for the Top Workplaces program continues to be based upon feedback from employee surveys, of which FRI received high ratings from its employees. FRI is honored to be included for a third year in a row and to work with such a great group of employees!

Dr. Robert P. Schwartz

Dr. Robert Schwartz Invited to Serve As IAS-NIDA Fellowship Mentor

FRI is pleased to announce that its Medical Director, Robert Schwartz, M.D., was recently invited to serve as a mentor for the IAS-NIDA International Fellowship Program. Prospective fellows will be able to choose a mentor in their field of interest and contact the mentor to discuss the possibility of working on a specific research project. Dr. Schwartz will act as a mentor for prospective fellows in the 2012 Round.

The application for the stipend of US $75,000 for an 18-month post-doctoral training or an eight-month long professional development training will be open from December 8, 2011 to February 10, 2012. Fellows will be selected by mid-April 2012. They and their mentors will be invited to the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) in Washington, D.C. July 22-27, 2012. The fellowships will be officially awarded at the conference and there will be additional activities planned for fellows at the conference.

Top Work Places 2012

FRI Named Top Workplace 2012

Friends Research Institute was recently named to the list of “The Baltimore Sun Top Workplaces” for 2012. This is FRI’s second year in a row for making the list. The evaluation for the Top Workplaces program continues to be based upon feedback from employee surveys, of which FRI received high ratings from its employees. FRI is honored to be included for a second year in a row and to work with such a great group of employees!

New Senior Research Scientist Joins FRI

FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Jami Obermayer, formerly the Director of Research at PICS, Inc., has accepted a position as a Senior Research Scientist at FRI. Dr. Obermayer has been conducting small business innovation research for the past nine years and has been the Principal Investigator for projects focused on health-related behaviors, including smoking cessation, drug and alcohol monitoring, diet and exercise, HIV prevention and intervention, and cancer risk factor monitoring. FRI is extremely pleased to welcome Dr. Obermayer to FRI and wishes her a prosperous career with the organization.

New Research Scientist Joins FRI

FRI is pleased to announce that Dr. Erica Peters has accepted a position as an Assistant Research Scientist at FRI. Dr. Peters is a clinical psychologist specializing in treatment efficacy, human laboratory, and natural history studies for marijuana and tobacco cessation. Her research aims are to: (1) enhance behavioral interventions for marijuana dependence, (2) identify factors that interfere with marijuana cessation, (3) understand the combined effects of marijuana and tobacco use, and (4) promote tobacco cessation among high-risk populations. Dr. Peters has provided empirically-supported treatments to adults and young adults with substance and alcohol use disorders, mood and anxiety disorders, insomnia, and pain. From 2006 to 2008, she served on the Vermont Tobacco Evaluation and Review Board, a state board that oversees the independent evaluation of the Vermont Tobacco Control Program. Dr. Peters received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Vermont and completed her clinical internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale University School of Medicine. She is licensed to practice psychology in Maryland and is a member of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, and American Psychological Association. FRI is extremely pleased to welcome Dr. Peters and wishes her a prosperous career with the organization.

FRI Employee, Jan Gryczynski, Awarded Doctoral Degree

FRI is pleased to announce that Jan Gryczynski, Research Scientist at FRI, recently received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. For his doctoral research, Dr. Gryczynski conducted a national study of on-site HIV testing in nearly 10,000 substance abuse treatment programs across the United States. His research employed multilevel statistical modeling to examine specific organizational, community, and state policy determinants of HIV testing adoption in the substance abuse treatment sector. The study sheds light on the complex interplay between policies, local contexts, and organizational characteristics in shaping the diffusion of an evidence-based service throughout a specialty sector of the healthcare system.

Dr. Gryczynski came to FRI in 2006 as a research assistant to work on disease prevention issues in American Indian communities. Since then, he has been involved in a number of projects at FRI and is currently working with FRI investigators on several substance abuse health services studies. He plans to continue his work at FRI to identify ways of improving behavioral health services for individuals affected by substance abuse and related issues.

FRI Welcomes Dr. Melicia Whitt-Glover as an Affiliated Senior Research Scientist

Dr. Whitt-Glover is President and CEO of Gramercy Research Group in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She is a community-based researcher with background, training, and experience in exercise science and epidemiology. Her research activities include developing and assessing interventions to increase physical activity in racial/ethnic minority communities.

FRI researchers look forward to collaborating with Dr. Whitt-Glover on future research initiatives.